1. If the doctor reports that his/her patient did not receive any document on their end,

  • Start with asking the doctor if the appointment was checked out and finished by the doctor.
  • Also ask if the doctor added and saved her inputs on the corresponding widgets. (prescription, letter, advice/instructions, orders)
  • (for paid online payment consultations) Ask the doctor if he/she has received a sms/email/account notification that patient has already settled the bill.
    • If not yet, let the doctor check Billing > Collections > Online. If the patient is still on the list, that means payment has not been settled yet. Inform the doctor and kindly ask them to tell the patient to pay first before he/she can access the documents.
  • If patient already paid, ask the doctor if he/she inputted the widgets (prescription, letter, advice/instructions, orders) before clicking the finish session.
    • If yes, please report to Dev Team.
    • If no, kindly inform the doctor to do so, so that the system will be able to successfully forward the documents to the patient.