1. If doctor cannot see/hear the patient:

  • Start with asking the doctor if he/she is already on the virtual clinic page already.
  • Ask if the 4th button (call/green button) was already pressed and is already red on their end. 
  • If yes, ask what device (OS, type, brand/unit).
    • If Android - Confirm if Chrome browser is used
    • If iOS/Apple - Confirm if Safari browser is used
  • Ask if browser is already updated, and if OS/device software is already updated. Also, kindly request from the doctor to ask the patient's device if possible.
    • Determine if the patient's device is compatible with our system.
  • If still not working, ask a screenshot from the doctor for the software version of the doctor's device.
    • Forward to Dev Team/Escalation Team
  • For the meantime, kindly inform the doctor of the support situation and kindly suggest to him/her to use the Live Chat with patient feature while waiting. 

2. If patient cannot see/hear the doctor:

  • Start with asking the patient if he/she is already on the virtual clinic page already.
  • Ask if the 4th button is already red on their end. 
  • If yes, ask what device (OS, type, brand/unit).
    • If Android - Confirm if Chrome browser is used
    • If iOS/Apple - Confirm if Safari browser is used
  • Ask if browser is already updated, and if OS/device software is already updated.
  • If still not working, ask a screenshot from the patient for the software version of the patient's device.
    • Forward to Dev Team/Escalation Team
  • For the meantime, kindly inform the patient of the support situation and kindly suggest to him/her to use the Live Chat with doctor feature while waiting.